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Global Community Bio Summit 5.0 Participants
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Justice Toshiba Walker, University of Texas, USA

Maria Chavez, BioCurious, USA

David Sun Kong, MIT Community Biotech Initiative, USA

Amanda Strawhacker, Tufts University, USA

John Leong, Kupu Hawaii, USA

Elsie Kaufmann, University of Ghana, Ghana

Giuliana Furci, Fungi Foundation, Chile
Knowledge Chikundi, Zimbabwe Science Fair, Zimbabwe

Xavier Palmer, Old Dominion University

Tim Dobbs, CRI, France

Alejandra Sierra, Mariano Galvez University, Guatemala

Corinne Takada, Xinampa, USA

Yong-Bee Lim, Council on Strategic Risks, USA

Sarah Blossom Ware, BioBlaze Community Lab, USA

Thomas Landrain, JOGL, France

Adeline Seah, Coral Colab, Singapore

Dorothy Jones Davis, Nation of Makers, US

Megan Palmer, Stanford University, US

Jenny Molloy, Open Bio Economy, UK

Alex Pearlman, MIT Community Biotech Initiative, USA

Adam Durant, University City Science Center, USA

Ani Liu, Princeton Arts Fellow, USA

Harry Akligoh, Hive Bio, Ghana

Julie Legault, Amino Biolabs, USA

Nina Ali, DEFCON Biohacking Village, USA